Annadebrux’s Blog

My passion and my lion head sterling silver bowl
May 4, 2009, 10:18 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Mon cher blog,

It’ s been quite a while!

Been very busy with so many things. There have been so many things on “my plate” and so have not paid attention to my personal blogs.

One of my many pre-occupations these last few weeks besides the renovations on my Brittany home is purchasing antique objects, an exhilirating but rather expensive hobby.

I confess that I am an incorrigible antique hoarder — just don’t have the heart to get rid of some of my collectables at home to the frustration of my kiddies and my hubby! (Heh!)

Collecting old and beautiful pieces is a passion. I like to collect old, sterling silver teapots, bowls, mugs, tankards, cigarette cases, vesta cases, large photo frames, snuff boxes, rare fobs and medals including pretty crystal decanters. I’m only interested in collecting any of those items if it’s old, pretty, in reasonably mint condition and hallmarked solid sterling silver (except for the decanters).

Believe it or not, I’ve added quite a number antique pieces to my collection just these last few weeks alone that pretty soon, I will be lacking in space and will be compelled to make a choice, i.e., what “to flog” and what not “to flog”, for want of display space. And that, to me, is a horrendous dilemma!

One of my latest acquisitions is this rather old, ornate solid sterling silver bowl (one of the 3 sterling silver bowls I purchased recently…) which I call “my Lion-head bowl.”

This beautiful and delightful bowl was made by Edward Barnard & Sons, Hatton Garden, London, and assayed in 1913. It’s of intricate design and its body is embossed with regular reeded patterns offset by beaded patterns. It’s nice sized, more than 6 inches in diameter and weighs a hefty 500 grams; truly a nice item to display.

For the moment, it’s one of my favourites. However, I’m afraid it will be relegated somewhere inside one of my cabinets as soon as I purchase another item (I’ve got my eye on one right now) to make space.

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Hello world!
May 4, 2009, 9:24 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

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